• The program is now ready to set up ispCP on your system.
    Do you want to continue? [Y/n]: y

    Starting ispCP installation
    * Stopping all services: ........ [ Done ]

    Pre-installation tasks for Debian
    * Nothing to do... [ Done ]

    System checks
    * Mysql server connection: [ Done ]

    Services setup
    * ispCP users and groups: [ Failed ]

    [FATAL] An error occurred during setup process!
    Correct it and re-run this program.

    Log files are stored in /var/log/ispcp/setup
    You can also find help at

    Was kann ich tun?
    Bitte um hilfe

  • mir egal wenn das hier gelöscht wird aber ich sage nur der hoster der Zukunft

    - braucht templates braucht install hilfe bekommt selber nix hin macht doppelposts und ist vermutlich selber nicht mal 14

  • Ich bin 14,
    aber jeder fängt mal klein an.

    get_conf() | Starting...
    get_file() | Starting...
    get_file() | Ending...
    setup_main_vars() | Starting...
    setup_main_vars() | Ending...
    get_conf() | Ending...
    makepath() | Starting...
    makepath() | [NOTICE] '/var/log/ispcp/setup' exists ! Setting its permissions...
    setfmode() | Starting...
    setfmode() | Ending...
    makepath() | Ending...
    setup_start_up() | Starting...
    welcome_note() | Starting...
    welcome_note() | Ending...
    setup_start_up() | Ending...
    setup_engine() | Starting...
    user_dialog() | Starting...
    ask_hostname() | Starting...
    get_sys_hostname() | Starting...
    getEthAddr() | Starting...
    getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
    getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
    getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
    getEthAddr() | Ending...
    getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
    getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
    getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
    get_sys_hostname() | Ending...
    isValidHostname() | Starting...
    isValidHostname() | Ending...
    ask_hostname() | Ending...
    ask_eth() | Starting...
    getEthAddr() | Starting...
    getEthAddr() | Ending...
    ask_eth() | Ending...
    ask_vhost() | Starting...
    get_sys_hostname() | Starting...
    get_sys_hostname() | Ending...
    isValidHostname() | Starting...
    isValidHostname() | Ending...
    ask_vhost() | Ending...
    ask_db_host() | Starting...
    ask_db_host() | Ending...
    ask_db_name() | Starting...
    ask_db_name() | Ending...
    ask_db_user() | Starting...
    ask_db_user() | Ending...
    ask_db_password() | Starting...
    ask_db_password() | Ending...
    ask_db_ftp_user() | Starting...
    ask_db_ftp_user() | Ending...
    ask_db_ftp_password() | Starting...
    ask_db_ftp_password() | Ending...
    ask_db_pma_user() | Starting...
    ask_db_pma_user() | Ending...
    ask_db_pma_password() | Starting...
    ask_db_pma_password() | Ending...
    ask_admin() | Starting...
    ask_admin() | Ending...
    ask_admin_password() | Starting...
    ask_admin_password() | Ending...
    ask_admin_email() | Starting...
    isValidEmail() | Starting...
    isValidEmailUser() | Starting...
    isValidEmailUser() | Ending...
    isValidEmailDomain() | Starting...
    isValidHostname() | Starting...
    isValidHostname() | Ending...
    isValidEmailDomain() | Ending...
    isValidEmail() | Ending...
    ask_admin_email() | Ending...
    ask_second_dns() | Starting...
    ask_second_dns() | Ending...
    ask_resolver() | Starting...
    ask_resolver() | Ending...
    ask_mysql_prefix() | Starting...
    ask_mysql_prefix() | Ending...
    ask_fastcgi() | Starting...
    ask_fastcgi() | Ending...
    ask_timezone() | Starting...
    ask_timezone() | Ending...
    ask_awstats_on() | Starting...
    ask_awstats_on() | Ending...
    user_dialog() | Ending...
    stop_services() | Starting...
    sys_command() | Starting...
    system() | [DEBUG] Stopping ispCP Network Traffic Logger: ispcp_network
    ispcp_network is already stopped ... (warning).
    getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
    getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
    getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
    sys_command('/etc/init.d/ispcp_network stop') | Ending...
    sys_command() | Starting...
    system() | [DEBUG] Stopping ispCP GUI-Backend communication Daemon: ispcp_daemon.
    getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
    getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
    getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
    sys_command('/etc/init.d/ispcp_daemon stop') | Ending...
    sys_command() | Starting...
    system() | [DEBUG] Stopping domain name service...: bind9rndc: connect failed: connection refused
    getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
    getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
    getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
    sys_command('/etc/init.d/bind9 stop') | Ending...
    sys_command() | Starting...
    system() | [DEBUG] Stopping web server: apache2 ... waiting .
    getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
    getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
    getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
    sys_command('/etc/init.d/apache2 stop') | Ending...
    sys_command() | Starting...
    system() | [DEBUG] Stopping ftp server: proftpd.
    getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
    getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
    getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
    sys_command('/etc/init.d/proftpd stop') | Ending...
    sys_command() | Starting...
    system() | [DEBUG] Stopping policyd-weight (incl. cache): policyd-weight.
    getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
    getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
    getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
    sys_command('/etc/init.d/policyd-weight stop') | Ending...
    sys_command() | Starting...
    system() | [DEBUG] Stopping Postfix Mail Transport Agent: postfix.
    getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
    getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
    getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
    sys_command('/etc/init.d/postfix stop') | Ending...
    sys_command() | Starting...
    system() | [DEBUG] Stopping Courier authentication services: authdaemond.
    getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
    getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
    getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
    sys_command('/etc/init.d/courier-authdaemon stop') | Ending...
    stop_services() | Ending...
    preinst() | Starting...
    sys_command() | Starting...
    getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
    getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
    getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
    sys_command('/bin/sh preinst install') | Ending...
    preinst() | Ending...
    check_host_system() | Starting...
    check_sql_connection() | Starting...
    check_sql_connection() | Checking MySQL server connection with the following DSN: DBI:mysql::localhost root Tilopi10
    doSQL() | Starting...
    doSQL() | Ending...
    check_sql_connection() | Ending...
    check_host_system() | Ending...
    setup_services_cfg() | Starting...
    setup_system_users() | Starting...
    sys_command() | Starting...
    system() | [DEBUG] groupadd: GID '2000' already exists
    getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
    getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 4
    getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
    sys_command() | [ERROR] External command '/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 2000 vu2000' exited with value 4 !
    exit_msg() | Starting...
    exit_msg() | Ending...
    del_file() | Starting...
    del_file() | Ending...

  • Hey sorry, aber ich muss dir nun eines sagen:
    Wenn du echt 14 bist, musst du dir im klaren sein, dass du keine Verträge abschließen darfst und auch nur teilweise Haftbar bist.

    Mit Websponsoring ist es nicht zu spaßen, das ist Ernst.
    Wirklich. Wenn einer kacke baut, bist DU dran.

  • The program is now ready to set up ispCP on your system.
    Do you want to continue? [Y/n]: y

    Starting ispCP installation
    * Stopping all services: ........ [ Done ]

    Pre-installation tasks for Debian
    * Nothing to do... [ Done ]

    System checks
    * Mysql server connection: [ Done ]

    Services setup
    * ispCP users and groups: [ Done ]
    * ispCP directories: [ Done ]
    * ispCP main configuration file: [ Done ]
    * ispCP database: [ Done ]
    * ispCP default language table: [ Done ]
    * ispCP default SQL data: [ Done ]
    * ispCP system hosts file: [ Done ]
    * ispCP system resolver: [ Done ]
    * ispCP crontab file: [ Done ]
    * ispCP Bind9 main configuration file: [ Done ]
    * ispCP Apache fastCGI modules configuration: [ Done ]
    * ispCP Apache main vhost file: [ Done ]
    * ispCP Apache AWStats vhost file: [ Done ]
    * ispCP Postfix configuration files: [ Done ]
    * ispCP Courier-Authentication: [ Done ]
    * ispCP ProFTPd configuration file: [ Done ]
    * ispCP init scripts: [ Done ]

    GUI setup
    * ispCP GUI Bind9 configuration: [ Done ]
    * ispCP GUI fastCGI/PHP configuration: [ Done ]
    * ispCP GUI vhost file: [ Done ]
    * ispCP PMA configuration file: [ Done ]

    Permissions setup
    * Set engine permissions: [ Done ]
    * Set gui permissions: [ Done ]

    Finishing installation
    * Starting all services: ........ [ Done ]

    Additional tasks
    * ispCP Rkhunter configuration: [ Failed ]
    * ispCP System cleanup: [ Done ]

    Congratulations you installed ispCP '1.0.7 OMEGA' successfully!

    Please type in your browser and
    log in with your Administrator Account to use ispCP.

  • Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass deine Konfiguration einfach irgendwo einen Weg hat.
    Da auf dem Server ja sonst nix zu laufen scheint, installiere mal bitte das gewünschte Betriebssystem neu und fange GANZ VON VORNE an.

    Außerdem, ließ mal bitte die Anleitung von ispCP zu dem Thema. Die ist sehr gut geschrieben.